RECORD STORE DAY - 12th April 2025
The first official event took place on April 19th, 2008, and today it is celebrated by thousands of record shops all over the globe in what's become the biggest new music event of the past decade.
Record Store Day is a day for the people who make up the world of the record shop - the staff, the customers, the artists, the labels - to come together and honour the special role they place in their local communities. In the UK, over 270 shops participate in every corner of the country.
At the Vinyl Revival Store it's a great day when our customers come together to celebrate their passion for music on vinyl and we are hoping that, when we open our gates on Saturday 12th April at 8:30 am, there will be a big queue.
1 month before
Let us know what you want - All releases are limited editions and the best way to ensure that we stock copies of the record(s) that you want you is by sending us a wish list
There are over 400 titles on the official Record Store Day list and we cannot stock everything. But we will order everything that is on our customers' wish lists (and more)
1 week before
If you sent us a wishlist please check your email for confirmation ofv what we will have in stock.
If haven't sent us a wish list you can call us a few days before and we will be able to tell what's going to be available. But please don't phone on the day as we will be to busy to answer the phone.
On the day
- before we open
If there is a "must have at all costs" release on your wish list you are advised to arrive early as the queue usually starts to form in the early hours and in previous years there have been be over 60 people waiting outside when we open.
For all the "early birds" our friends at The Vine in the High Street will be serving hot drinks and breakfast rolls from 7:30 am. Before then we will give out numbered tickets so that you can save our place in the queue
- what's in store
As usual it will be Record Store Day "al fresco" at The Only Record Shop In The Village. Our tiny shop will be over twice it's usual size with lots of records in the gazebos and on the patio.
- on the patio we will have hundreds of Record Store Day exclusive limited editions
- in the shop there will be lots of bargains with reductions on most of our regular stock of new and pre-loved vinyl
- in the gazebos our bargain bins will be filled with 7" and 12" singles and LPs
- in the morning we'll be spinning 45s on our vintage Dansette
- in the afternoon there will be LIVE MUSIC in the garden with sets from Lost Chimes and My Girl The River
please note:
Participating shops are required to abide by a few simple rules that are set by the national organisers of the event.
- Record Store Day releases cannot be sold before 8 am on 12th April
- In-store sales only until 8pm on Monday 14th April
- All sales will be on a 1st come 1st served basis
- No online sales until 8 pm on Monday 14th April